Scriba is a town located east of the city of Oswego in Oswego County, New York. The town borders Lake Ontario, the city of Oswego, and the Oswego River. The zip codes for Scriba are 13126 and 13069.
As of the 2020 Census, there were 6,617 people (a change of -3.3% since 2010) residing in the town of Scriba. The share of the total population consists of 79.4% adults age 18 or older and 20.6% youths under the age of 18. A change of -0.4% and -13.0% respectively.
There was a 10.9% vacancy rate in 2020 in the town of Scriba. There were 3,177 total housing units, a +1.8% change since 2010. Of the 3,177, 2,830 housing units were occupied and 347 were vacant.