Located in Onondaga County, the town of Geddes is a western suburb of Syracuse. The zip code is 13209. The school district for this area is Solvay Union Free School District.
As of the 2020 Census, there were 17,088 people (a change of -0.2% since 2010) residing in the town of Geddes. The share of the total population consists of 79.9% adults age 18 or older and 20.1% youths under the age of 18. A change of 0.0% and -0.8% respectively.
There was a 5.6% vacancy rate in 2020 in the town of Geddes. There were 7,799 total housing units, a +1.6% change since 2010. Of the 7,799, 7,366 housing units were occupied and 433 were vacant.